
Full name Global Regular Expression Print, originated from a Unix editor ed command g/re/p, where g (global) is global matching, re (regular expression) is regular expression, p (print) is print. Therefore, the grep tool is essentially used to globally match regular expressions and print the results.

man grep
grep, egrep, fgrep, rgrep - print lines that match patterns

Additionally, egrep, fgrep, and rgrep are respectively equivalent to grep -E, grep -F, and grep -r. These variants have been deprecated, but are still provided for backward compatibility. Moreover, if regular expressions are not used, using the -F option will be faster, because by default, even if no regular expression is used, grep will still treat the pattern as a regular expression.

Regular Expressions

grep defaults to using POSIX regular expressions, divided into the following types based on different options:

  1. Basic Regular Expressions (BRE): Default mode, POSIX standard, some metacharacters (such as ?, +, {}) require escaping with a backslash \.

  2. Extended Regular Expressions (ERE): Used with grep -E or egrep, metacharacters like ?, +, {} can be used directly without escaping.

  3. Perl-Style Regular Expressions (PCRE): Some grep implementations (such as GNU grep) provide the -P option to enable Perl-style regular expressions.


Some grep implementations (such as GNU grep) provide the -P option to enable Perl-style regular expressions.

Common Examples

Reverse Matching

grep -v foo file

Ignore Case

grep -i Foo file

Count Matching Lines

grep -c foo file

Fixed String Matching

grep -F foo file
grep -r foo /path

Matching File Names

grep -l foo *.txt

Non-Matching File Names

grep -rL foo /path

With Next N Lines


grep -A 3 foo file

With Previous N Lines


grep -B 3 foo file

With Context N Lines


grep -C 3 foo file

Match Multiple Words

grep -E 'foo|bar' file
grep -e 'foo' -e 'bar' file

Exclude Files in Dir

grep foo --exclude="*.log" /path

Match Files in Dir

grep foo --include="*.txt" /path